Wednesday, July 22, 2020

First Post

Thanks to my friend, Marilyn, I have finally agreed to start my own blog.  She has been after me for some time now to do this.  I have been hesitant because I felt I didn't need another commitment, but I will admit I have really enjoyed her blog along with many others.  Thanks to my good friend Marilyn who has so happily said things like "you should add a bus stop to your train station" my minis sometimes grow.  I have taken her advise mostly because she is usually right.  She is definitely the idea go-to person.  However, unlike Marilyn, I cannot mini by the seat of my pants because I do not have a golden horseshoe.  I plan, design, and then build. goes.

I have started a major project.  I am making a replica of the family homestead farmhouse.  It is a major undertaking.  I'll post as I go along but there will be weeks when I post some other project I have made.  Variety...that's always good.   Someday I would love to do the family homestead in Ireland.  But that's another project.

Just a little bit about the farmhouse.  I grew up on a large farm in southern Quebec.  I have six siblings and consequently the farmhouse is large.  It is a two and a half story house measuring (in miniature, of course) 24 X 38 inches.  This is a picture of the farmhouse I am building.

I started by building the inside ground floor walls.  I did this mostly because I wasn't sure how I want to do the exterior walls.  I want to be able to see in every room in the house.  I will have to decide soon but in the meantime I am waiting for wood so I can work on the inside walls and making furniture..  


  1. Whoopeee!! It's about time you joined us in the blog world! You are so talented and I look forward to seeing you share your creations here. Big hugs! - Marilyn D.

    1. Thanks my Bestie, it's all because of your relentless nagging. Maybe nagging isn't the right word. I wanna be just like you when I grow up.

  2. Yeay, you did it! Looking forward to seeing your finished projects along with your projects in progress.

    1. Thanks so much. I always enjoy reading your blog. You are a true inspiration. - Louise

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I’m so happy to among such talented people.
